Annual Meeting of the ABAI Board of Directors
ABAI’s Board of Directors met for their annual meeting in Birmingham, AL, in the fall of 2016.

Pictured from left are: Stephen I. Wasserman (ABAI President), Anne-Marie Irani, Leonard Bacharier, Ramsay Fuleihan, Joshua A. Boyce, Robert Wood, T. Prescott Atkinson (ABAI 2016 Chair), Luz Fonacier, Theodore M. Freeman, Gurjit K. Hershey, Jay Portnoy, Lawrence Borish, William K. Dolen, Mitchell Grayson, David I. Bernstein, Calman Prussin, Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, Rohit Katial, Stephen C. Dreskin, Michael R. Nelson, Kathleen R. May. Not Pictured: Stephen A. Tilles. Portrait location: Barber Motorsports Museum, Birmingham, AL (Photo by Will Thompson)