Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
About Continuous Certification Program (CCP)
How do I get started in Continuous Certification Program (CCP) ?
The first step is to log on to the ABAI Web Portal ( If you have never visited this website before you will need to "Verify Your Account". The portal presents your personalized ABAI CCP information so you can track all of the requirements in one location with specific and defined timelines.
ABAI will start reporting CCP status of its Diplomates to ABMS as of January 2011. In order to be reported as "Meeting CCP Requirements", all ABAI Diplomates will need to complete their respective CCP requirements by December 31, 2010. For most Diplomates this will be the annual CCP fee of $150, copies of all medical licenses displaying the expiration date, and 25 CME credits in allergy/immunology-related activities.
What is the evidence that participating in CCP improves quality of care?
Unfortunately, although studies are underway, there is not yet overwhelming data confirming whether CCP improves the quality of medicine delivered (11 studies in CCP and quality of care). However, ABMS is taking the lead on developing a physician-driven process that will be credible to the many outside stakeholders interested in clinical care most importantly patients and their families. Obviously physicians are being held more accountable for practicing high quality medicine and ABMS believes that physicians and the medical profession, not regulators or payers, should develop the process by which physician performance is assessed and reported.
The Directors at ABAI understand that MOC may be burdensome for a busy academician or practitioner and we are trying our best to develop the most meaningful process possible. In addition the ABMS and the member boards are working diligently to decrease redundancy in requirements by working with other entities interested in measures of physician performance to assure that CCP measures are accepted as fulfilling requirements.
What is Continuous Certification Program (CCP) formally MOC (and what happened to recertification)?
Continuous Certification Program (CCP) is a voluntary, continuous learning process that provides board-certified physicians a mechanism to demonstrate their commitment to high quality care within their specialty. It is a voluntary process for time-unlimited certificate holders.
The CCP process assesses physicians’ skills and knowledge in a changing medical specialty where active, on-going learning is key to practicing state-of-the-art specialty medical care. CCP was developed in an attempt to assure patients and other outside entities that they are receiving the most up-to-date and quality care from physicians who use best practices and evidence-based standards for care.
The ABMS has developed CCP to provide the general public with a means to assess a physician’s credentials as a provider of quality healthcare. All 24 specialty member boards have developed their own MOC processes which evaluate the six core competencies for quality patient care as outlined by the ACGME.
What are the requirements for the ABAI Continuous Certification Program (CCP) process?
ABAI CCP has requirements which are grouped into four categories as outlined by ABMS:
Part I - Professional Standing
Medical specialists must hold a valid, unrestricted medical license in at least one state or jurisdiction in the United States, its territories or Canada.
- Attest to holding unrestricted medical license(s)
- Remit an annual CCP fee ($150)
- Update demographic and contact informationPart II - Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment
Physicians participate in educational and self-assessment programs that meet specialty-specific standards that are set by their member board.
- Attest to completing 25 CME credits annually
- Complete 1 Patient Safety Module every ten years
- Complete 1 Communication Practice Improvement Module every ten years
- Complete 1 Recent Advances Module every five yearsPart III - Cognitive Expertise
Physicians demonstrate, through standardized examination, that they have the fundamental, practice-related and practice environment-related knowledge to provide quality care in their specialty.
- Participation in CAP.Part IV - Practice Performance Assessment
Medical specialists are evaluated in their clinical practice according to specialty-specific standards for patient care. They are asked to demonstrate that they can assess the quality of care they provide compared to peers and national benchmarks and then apply the best evidence or consensus recommendations to improve that care using follow-up assessments.
- Complete 1 practice assessment/quality improvement module every 5 years
Participation in CCP
If I have a time-unlimited certificate will I lose my certification if I don’t participate in CCP??
No. CCP is a voluntary process for time-unlimited certificate holders. ABAI will not "revoke" a time unlimited certificate for failure to participate in CCP, however, beginning in 2011, the Diplomate will be reported in ABMS and ABAI databases as "Not Meeting CCP Requirements".
Why should I participate in CCP and what will happen if I decide not to participate in CCP?
In addition to the personal benefits of demonstrating one’s professionalism, commitment to life-long learning and quality improvement needed to provide the highest quality Allergy and Immunology care, there are several other potential reasons why a Diplomate will want to participate in MOC:
- Patients and the public are more avidly seeking documentation that their physician is practicing the highest quality medicine, and for many stakeholders, board certification and CCP are becoming a measure of quality. If you choose not to participate you will be listed as not participating in CCP in the ABAI and ABMS databases.
- Insurers are looking at ways to identify "quality" providers and it is possible that reimbursement or carrier network participation could be tied to such defined quality in the future. The Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association has begun to emphasize participation in CCP to its members, and it is increasingly likely that participation in CCP will become a quality measure. Thus if you choose not to participate in CCP any such credits may not be available to you.
- State licensure boards are actively looking at Maintenance of Licensure (MOL) programs, and the ABMS and its member boards are working with the Federation of State Medical Boards to assure that participation in CCP will qualify for MOL.
- In certain states, malpractice carriers have already started to give discounted premium rates to physicians participating in CCP.
Read some fact sheets about the value of Continuous Certification Program (CCP), published by ABIM.
- Patients and the public are more avidly seeking documentation that their physician is practicing the highest quality medicine, and for many stakeholders, board certification and CCP are becoming a measure of quality. If you choose not to participate you will be listed as not participating in CCP in the ABAI and ABMS databases.
- Insurers are looking at ways to identify "quality" providers and it is possible that reimbursement or carrier network participation could be tied to such defined quality in the future. The Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association has begun to emphasize participation in CCP to its members, and it is increasingly likely that participation in CCP will become a quality measure. Thus if you choose not to participate in CCP any such credits may not be available to you.
- State licensure boards are actively looking at Maintenance of Licensure (MOL) programs, and the ABMS and its member boards are working with the Federation of State Medical Boards to assure that participation in CCP will qualify for MOL.
- In certain states, malpractice carriers have already started to give discounted premium rates to physicians participating in CCP.
I’m nearing retirement and am not sure whether to participate or where to start the process?
The reasons to participate are listed above.
In order to start the process a Diplomate will need to formally start the CCP program by registering on the ABAI Web Portal. The individual’s timetable will show where in the process they are and what will be needed by certain dates.
ABAI CCP and Other ABMS Boards
Do I need to participate in CCP for Internal Medicine or Pediatrics to participate in ABAI CCP?
No, ABAI does not require its Diplomates to maintain certificates in Internal Medicine or Pediatrics. However, all Diplomates, particularly those working in academia, are encouraged to maintain their primary board certification.
If I choose to participate in my primary board CCP is there any reciprocity with the modules, CME, or exams?
Diplomates certified with ABP may receive reciprocal Part II and Part IV Maintenance of Certification (CCP) credit for participation in ABP's CCP program. This means to participate in The American Board of Allergy & Immunology (ABAI) CCP program, you will only need to complete Part I (Professional Standing) and Part III (Cognitive Expertise). Additionally, you will be required to complete an attestation form regarding participation in your primary Board's CCP program. Once you choose to participate reciprocally in the ABP's CCP program, you will be expected to complete the entire CCP program and will not be able to switch back to the ABAI CCP program.
Please note, due to the time necessary to review requests, Reciprocal CCP requests must be received by November 1st in order to be processed by year end. Requests received after the November 1st deadline may not e processed by the end of the year and diplomates will be responsible for all CCP requirements due by year end.
** Due to the changes in ABIM's CCP program, effective May 16, 2016 ABAI has placed reciprocal CCP credit for ABIM diplomates on hold until further notice.
CME Credits
How do I submit proof of my CME credits?
Copies of CME certificates are no longer required to be uploaded, faxed, or e-mailed to ABAI. Starting in January of 2016, diplomates will be asked to log onto their ABAI Web Portal page and attest to completing 25 hours of CME credits in the previous year. Please note that for any past due CME requirements prior to 2015 ABAI still requires that diplomates submit documentation for these outstanding activities.
The ABAI will continue to receive CME credits from the AAAAI, ACAAI, and other partner organizations on a quarterly basis.
Will ABAI actually check all of my CME credits?
ABAI will audit the CME credits of approximately 10% of its diplomates annually. If you are selected for the audit process ABAI will request documentation of at least 25 CME credits completed in the previous calendar year.
If I don't get 25 CME credits one year but have 50 the next year, will the credits be averaged?
The ABAI requires 25 CME credits per year in keeping with the character of a continuous learning process. If a Diplomate does not meet the CME requirement each year, they will be listed as "Not Meeting CCP Requirements" until such time that the requirement is completed. Diplomates should contact the office with any extenuating circumstances if the annual CME requirement cannot be completed.
What types of CME credits are accepted for ABAI CCP?
ABAI accepts AMA PRA Category 1<sup>TM</sup> Credit(s) in Allergy/Immunology-related activities. The relevance of the activity is determined by the title printed on the certificate. Recognizing state licensing and institutional requirements, and in the desire to reduce redundancy in demands upon physicians, ABAI will accept up to six CME credits for non-self-directed state and institutional mandated CME activities (i.e. pain management, HIV, elder abuse, substance abuse).
Continuous Certification Program (CCP) Fees
What is the total cost of Continuous Certification Program (CCP)?
The total cost of CCP is $4,000. Diplomates pay an annual fee of $400 to cover all costs associated with MOC. The costs of CCP are determined by ABAI Board of Directors. Additionally, there are currently several practice assessment / quality improvement modules available. These are offered by our sponsoring societies. Most are offered at no charge to ABAI diplomates. However, some may have additional charges associated with the module.
Why do I have to pay an annual CCP fee to maintain my certificate?
The annual CCP fee was implemented to cover the administrative costs of tracking and reporting a Diplomate’s status in the CCP process. One tool for tracking and reporting CCP status is the ABAI Web Portal. Additionally, all required activities for the CCP program are covered under this annual fee. There are no additional fees for the program. Also, there is no secure examination in the Continuous Assessment Program (CAP) Pilot. Therefore, the fees cover all of the six-month assessment cycles of CAP.
CAP Definition & Purpose
What is CAP?
Continuous Assessment Program (CAP) Pilot is an online assessment program for physicians. CAP emphasizes continuous learning, allowing diplomates to determine when and where they would like to answer questions. Instead of a single exam day that requires months of preparation, you may test as you go, on the go. It is designed as an alternative to the current CCP Part III proctored exam currently required every 10 years.
Why is the ABAI developing this new program?
- To be more closely aligned with the rapidly changing environment of physician practice.
- To leverage advances in technology to assess medical knowledge and clinical judgement through a more flexible, continuous, and dynamic model that also incorporates learning into the assessment process.
Will CAP replace the current proctored exam?
Starting January 1, 2018, CAP will become the only way for you to meet your Part III: Cognitive expertise requirement within a 10-year CCP cycle.
Is CAP an assessment that is taken once?
CAP will be continuously active in 5 month blocks in a 5-year CCP cycle.