A Special Message to our Diplomates

Michael R. Nelson, MD, PhD & Leonard B. Bacharier, MD
Special message for diplomates on racism in America and a public health priority
Fellow ABAI Diplomate,
This is truly an unprecedented time in national and allergy-immunology healthcare as the challenges of COVID-19 continue to unfold. Thank you for making our specialty proud of your collective service, professionalism and expert care. The ABAI Board of Directors hopes that the ABAI response to COVID-19 continues to provide you options and ease the many burdens you are encountering.
As you are all aware, recent events have led to re-emergence of racial injustice as another national public health priority affecting your patients, your staff and undoubtedly yourselves. ABAI is not an advocacy or political organization. With the health and welfare of the patients we treat and our specialty care teams dedicated to the care at risk, your ABAI Board of Directors did not hesitate in releasing the following public statement fully aligned with ABAI mission and values:
The American Board of Allergy and Immunology (ABAI) recognizes that our country continues to struggle with the complexities of racism and the challenges of the underrepresented. ABAI denounces racism. Our diplomates have always provided compassionate expert care for the many allergic and immunologic diseases that disproportionately affect so many underrepresented patients nationwide.
The ABAI’s commitment to diplomates, staff and the communities we serve is unwavering. We embrace the diversity of ABAI, its diplomates and the patients entrusted to their care. We strongly support the work being undertaken to dismantle ongoing injustices. We support the many stepping forward to make a positive impact on health and healthcare by extinguishing racism and eliminating health disparities.
Make no mistake, this is a call to action for the health of our nation and its many patients in need. We encourage all diplomates to take a moment to reflect on their practice and opportunities to address any implicit bias or unaddressed healthcare disparities. We further encourage diplomates to promote racial equality and diversity in all aspects of daily life. Accordingly, your Board would like to remind you of the unprecedented part IV MOC alternative attestation opportunities approved in 2018 well in advance of the national Vision Commission on Continuing Certification final report recommendations. Receive part IV credit for your new and ongoing quality of care initiatives!
Your ABAI Board of Directors would appreciate your feedback on this statement and how we can better serve you in your commitment to eliminate racism and reduce disparities of care. Let us share your story with each other and others.
Signed by the ABAI Board of Directors
Leonard Bacharier, MD, Chair
Luz Fonacier, MD, Vice Chair
Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, MD, PhD, Chair-Elect
Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS, Secretary
Mitchell Grayson, MD, Treasurer
Mariana C. Castells, MD, PhD
Theodore M. Freeman, MD
Ramsay Fuleihan, MD
Corinne A. Keet, MD, PhD
Mitchell R. Lester, MD
Aidan A. Long, MD
Kathleen R. May, MD
Giselle S. Mosnaim, MD, MS
Princess U. Ogbogu, MD
Sarbjit S. Saini, MD
Jeffrey R. Stokes, MD
Michael Swarzman, MBA, Public Member
John J Oppenheimer, MD, ABIM Liason
Mary Beth Fasano, MD, MSPH, ABP Liason
Michael R. Nelson, MD, PHD, President
Lawrence J. Vapniarek, Jr., MBA, COO
Chelsey Williams, Director of Operations
Anthony Brewer
Gina Capozzoli
Rayné C. Harrison
Cecilia H. MacCormack
William P. Thompson, MS
Brianna E. Wilkins
Additional stakeholder statements for your reference:
AAAAI: https://www.aaaai.org/Aaaai/media/MediaLibrary/PDF%20Documents/Announcements/Racism-and-Health-Care-Video-Transcript.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BawcSkEyYdY&feature=youtu.be
AAP: https://services.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2020/american-academy-of-pediatrics-condemns-racism-offers-advice-for-families-for-how-to-talk-to-their-children/
ABMS: https://www.abms.org/news-events/abms-statement-on-racism-as-a-public-health-issue/
ABP: https://www.abp.org/news/abp-directors-denounce-racism
ACAAI: https://mailchi.mp/acaai/a-message-from-college-leadership?e=804606ebdd
ACP: https://www.acponline.org/acp-newsroom/internists-gravely-concerned-about-discrimination-and-violence-by-public-authorities-and-others
AMA: https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-warns-against-racism-xenophobia-amid-covid-19
CMSS: https://cmss.org/cmss-statement-on-racism-in-healthcare/