ABAI’s new Continuous Assessment Program unveiled in the January/February issue of JACI In Practice
Co-Authors: David I. Bernstein, MD: Chair of the ABAI, Stephen I. Wasserman, MD: President of the ABAI, William P. Thompson, MS: Director of Examination Development, ABAI, and Theodore M. Freeman, MD: MOC Examination Co-Chair, ABAI, summarize the basis and framework for the pilot while highlighting program design for this new initiative which will begin on January 1, 2018.
To access and read the full-text of the article titled: “ABAI's MOC Assessment of Knowledge Program Matures: Adding Value with Continuous Learning and Assessment”, please login to the JACI In Practice website at: http://www.jaci-inpractice.org/article/S2213-2198(16)30575-X/abstract